The caret R package provides a grid search where it or you can specify the parameters to try on your problem. Kick-start your project with my new book Machine Learning Mastery With R, including step-by-step tutorials and the R source code files for all examples. In this post you will discover 5 recipes that you can use to tune machine learning algorithms to find optimal parameters for your problems using the caret R package. It provides a grid search method for searching parameters, combined with various methods for estimating the performance of a given model. The caret R package was designed to make finding optimal parameters for an algorithm very easy. The best thing to do is to investigate empirically with controlled experiments. Like selecting ‘the best’ algorithm for a problem you cannot know before hand which algorithm parameters will be best for a problem. A difficulty is that configuring an algorithm for a given problem can be a project in and of itself. This paper describes the main aspects of a PPB program, the related aspects of variety release, variety adoption and seed production, and the results obtained with a PPB program applied to rainfed bread wheat in Kermanshah province, Iran.Machine learning algorithms are parameterized so that they can be best adapted for a given problem. Working in partnership with farmers to develop varieties adapted to the conditions they face in participatory plant breeding (PPB) programs can help to overcome these problems. As a consequence, low yields, crop failures, malnutrition, poverty, and eventually famine are still affecting a large proportion of humanity.

The poorest farmers who cannot afford to change their fields through the application of additional inputs get left behind.

Conventional plant breeding has mostly benefited farmers in high potential environments and those who can afford inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides and have access to water.

But, now both groups realize the limits of conventional varietal selection in research stations, the quality of products grown, and their adaptability to target areas and to agricultural systems. Farmers and researchers have been isolated from each other for decades.